As lockdown swept across the planet the past few months, I continued to get out and shoot, working on my photography. I have never been much for backyard/ small song birds. I had always been drawn more towards the larger birds…birds of prey, such as eagles, osprey and larger wading birds like great blue herons and great egrets. But with the stay at home orders across the country, I spent more of my time setting up and shooting in the backyard.
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As of course we all know by now, nearly the entire world is on lockdown, unable to go many places other than work and the stores. I have continued to work everyday as my place of employment is in a semi-closure, but daily activities around the campuses continues. However, as spring has sprung, and the days have grown longer, the birds have begun to return to our feeders around the backyard and neighborhood.
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As we kicked off October, it was warmer than usual outside here along the east coast. However, evidence of fall was being seen as leaves have begun to change and fall from the trees. Late afternoon October 1st, I went to my backdoor to step outside and noticed at least a half dozen blue birds in the yard. Several on our feeders, and 2 on posts on our deck. We have been trying to lure them to the yard this year
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