Hurricane Dorian made his way along the southeast coast of the United States this past week making landfall along the Outer Banks of North Carolina over Cape Hatteras. Lots of damage to the Outer Banks but nothing devastating like the Bahamas thankfully. For my area here in Hampton Roads we received tropical storm force winds with some gusts nearing 70mph. Some areas had trees down along with some damage, but generally things went fairly well for the region. But late this afternoon early evening, the power started blinking on and off several times before finally going out to stay for nearly 2 hours. Beautiful day, temps were fairly cool and low humidity with partly cloudy skies. So my wife and I went out and sat out back on our deck while we waited for the power to come back on. So I grabbed my camera and took a few shots of the moon from the deck in the dark. So below is one of the shots from tonight on a pleasant evening after Dorian’s passage.